+49 40 41 32 34-0 | info@bv88ws1x.myrdbx.io

Group Assessment / Development Center


In addition to the selection function of management diagnostics, particular importance is attached to the development aspect in the identification and promotion of potential candidates/talents. Development diagnostics serves the purpose of capturing the current competencies and developing a statement on potentials. With regard to future management challenges, concrete development proposals are created which are used for a systematic further education planning.

The problems with recruiting qualified professionals and managers are known. Therefore, an ever increasing importance is attached to the systematic appraisal of internal talents. A consistent and target-oriented professional career development paired with a transparent internal succession planning increase the willingness to remain loyal as well as the identification of employees with their companies.


On the basis of jointly defined requirement criteria, a development center will be designed which, in the context of individual and group exercises and completed by tests, enables an assessment of the internal candidates with regard to their social, cognitive and entrepreneurial potentials and the formulation of suggestions for concrete individual development steps.

The assessment will be conducted through professionally prepared and experienced internal managers (observers), the process will be directed by md consultants.

Each candidate will receive differentiated feedback on their abilities. In a subsequent discussion on potentials, together with the candidate the md consultants will develop first concrete development objectives and measures to be taken as well as a binding time frame.

Overview of services