+49 40 41 32 34-0 | info@bv88ws1x.myrdbx.io

Management Coaching


Coaching is the process-like, individual supervision and support of managers in challenging professional situations.

At the beginning of a coaching program there is the desire for change or personal development. The reasons for beginning a coaching program are manifold: they may lie in altered economic framework conditions, e.g. after a merger or reorganization. They may also be related to the individual desire for the improvement of leadership abilities or the resolution of a difficult professional situation. The supervision of the integration process of a manager into their new professional environment is often the reason for an individual integration coaching program.


Initially, a non-binding and free of charge preliminary talk will take place between the client and the coach in order to facilitate becoming personally acquainted, clarify framework conditions and exchange on the subject of coaching. Depending on the starting point and the objectives of the coaching program, it is reasonable to have an initial discussion with the client’s manager in order to incorporate the professional and organizational context. During coaching, the client will develop objectives, priorities and solutions together with the coach. In that process, the client’s resources will be reactivated and their professional environment incorporated into the solution finding process. On the basis of a written coaching agreement, regular discussions with a total duration of about 5 to 10 sessions will take place. The client will decide when coaching ends.