We help to avoid wrong decisions when filling positions. A wrong personnel decision costs the company an amount of 10 to 15 times the annual salary.
We recognize potential and develop it in a targeted manner – in view of the “war for talent”, it is increasingly important to identify and qualify talent at an early stage.
Strengths and deficits in the management team are identified by us – within the framework of a management audit or management appraisal, you receive a condensed overview of the potentials in management – for the successful mastering of future challenges.
Usually with two consultants and often with observers from the company, duration 5 to 9 hours, remote or on-site (in our office in Hamburg or at the customer’s site)
Our consultancy focuses exclusively on management diagnostics and can draw on benchmark data from over 25,000 executive assessments conducted.
Making the right management staffing decisions. Recognize competencies and potentials of managers. Avoid bad investments due to miscasting.
md has been conducting remote assessments for years, as many of our candidates / observers are abroad. Our extensive experience enables us to guarantee the same diagnostic quality for remote assessments as for assessments in presence.
Management diagnostics is the area of organizational psychology that deals with the assessment of managers with regard to their suitability and fit for management and leadership tasks. It is used both for selection (staffing) and for identifying potential and talent.
Use of scientifically based procedures.
Appreciative, cooperative interaction with candidates.
Counselors with psychologically based training.
Consultants with intensive understanding and experience of the culture of a company, its business models and the world of executives and managers.
Understanding of the relationship between strategy, business models, leadership and management of companies.
Managing director md
With our help you will find the right personnel for your management.
md gesellschaft für management-diagnostik mbh
Alsterufer 37
20354 Hamburg