+49 40 41 32 34-0 | info@bv88ws1x.myrdbx.io

Dr. rer. nat. Andreas Hoyndorf

Psychologist (Diplom), MSc. (UK)

Shareholder and consultant | at md since 2005

Dr. rer. nat. Andreas Hoyndorf



Office +49 40 41 32 34-0


Doctorate (Dr. rer. nat.) in psychology (Humboldt University of Berlin)

Degree course (Diplom) in psychology with key areas of business psychology and clinical psychology

Master of Science in psychology (occupational & organizational psychology), Surrey, UK

Certified coach at Deutsche Systemische Gesellschaft (SG – Systemic Society)

Certified business coach (ISI Berlin)

Professional background

Senior consultant and senior alliance partner for various international consulting firms in Europe and USA (since 2004)

Lecturer at University of Cologne

Personnel selection of pilots and air traffic controllers